MIPS 4 Bit Processor Design

A MIPS processor that can do 4-bit operations. This processor was designed to do these 12 operations:

  1. Addition(add)
  2. Subtraction(sub)
  3. Add immediate(addi)
  4. Subtract immediate(subi)
  5. Logical OR(or)
  6. OR immediate(ori)
  7. Logical AND(and)
  8. AND immediate(ori)
  9. Branch Equal(beq)
  10. Jump(j)
  11. Load from memory(lw)
  12. Store into memory(sw)

The design was implemented and validated in logisim simulator. The ciruite design file along with a sample instruction file can be found in the code repository.

Mahbub Hossain Raton
Mahbub Hossain Raton
Lecturer of Computer Science and Engineering

My research interests include computer security, network security and blockchain.