College Admission System
College Admission System (CAD) is a part of the parent proejct Integrated Educational Information Management System (IEIMS). IEIMS project is an effort from Ministry of Education, Bangladesh to create a common database of information of every educational entity including students, educational institution and education board. Therefore, the Ministry of education intends to implement a common platform for managing each educational functionalities efficinetly.
For higher secondary education, Bangladeshi mainstream students must be enrolled in colleges after passing the Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSC). The goal of College Admission System project is to create a web-based application to facilitate the admission process by obeying the guideline passed by the Ministry of Education.
In CAD project, I designed and developed most of the backend APIs. I was also responsible to secure the APIs using Spring Security. One of my most notable contributions to this project is to implement a way to modify API roles at runtime without the need of recompiling the code.
Technologies – Spring Boot, Hibernate with JPA, JSON, mockito, junit, Spring Data, Spring Security Tools – Maven, Git
My key contributions are:
- Created maven projects by implementing various hierarchal pom features and adding various maven plugins.
- Implemented Backend APIs using Spring Boot.
- Secured the APIs using Spring Security module.
- Implemented Data access logic using Spring Data, Hibernate with JPA and criteria builders.
- Setup Keycloak and added single sign on using Keycloak.
- Writing unit test using Junit 5 and Mockito Framework
- Excel file processing using Apache POI library
- Code optimization
- Reviewing code for team members.